Planned Business - The purpose of the Planned Business District is intended to provide for the orderly and attractive grouping at appropriate locations of commercial activities of a more general retail and wholesale nature, and of the office and service facilities serving a larger community trade area. Uses in the PB District have the potential to generate significant automobile traffic, and therefore care must be taken to properly design access and parking facilities. Since this district is located along the roads that serve as gateways, quality building architecture, landscaping and other site improvements are necessary to ensure this type of development enhances Lake Mills' image. The size and location of such districts shall be based upon relationship of the community need and economy. Uncoordinated, piecemeal development of small parcels that do not fit into a larger context are discouraged in the PB District. Compatible land uses, access, traffic circulation, stormwater management and natural features, all should be integrated into an overall development plan. Because this district is primarily at high-visibility locations, quality building architecture, landscaping and other site improvements are required to ensure superior aesthetic and functional quality.